We suppy light & sound machines(MC square x1) to the world. if you have questions for it, feel free to contact us.
(Origin : Korea)
We suppy light & sound machines(MC square x1) to the world.
* What is Mc Square?
MC Square is a neuro-scrience system that helps improve concentration, reduce stress and attain relaxation through the rhythm of Light and Sound.
(1)Light & Sound Synchronization?
Prior to the response to seeing & hearing, forcing harmonization of unsynchronized the light & sounds.
(2) Structure of Brain and its Roles
Humans Brain is divided to the Left section responsible the reasonable judgment, Right section responsible the emotional judgment and Neuro Fibrous Tissues Corpus Callosum responsible of transferring the information gathered in Left & Right Brain.
(3) Whats Brain Wave?
The Electrical signal generated in the Brain. Humans Brain wave are consisted of Alpha Wave(α) Beta Wave(β), Theta wave(θ) and Delta Wave(δ), being generated by the Left & Right Brain.
* Operation Mechanism
Human body is adapted to response to the light & sound. Because of this adaptability, Rhythm of Light and the wave of sound are naturally Synchronized with Humans Brain wave at the same level(Synchronization), whenever external impact given to the Brain, Reticular Formation is being active, The conscious focusing of recognition and lapse of memory(forgetfulness) being organized, and biological coordination of Attention & concentration.
Mc Square helps humans brain being in the optimum condition using the light & sound, knowing the natural theory of the impact & reaction of the light & sound to human Brain.
* Effects of Mc Square
Mc Square, Through the synchronizing the light & sound, vague status of Beta(β) Wave could be changed to Alpha (α), Theta (θ), Delta(δ)harmoniously and helps the human Brain to the optimum status. Mc Square helps Improvement of Concentration, Reduction of stress, Immediate improvement of Memory capacity.
* MC Square Programs
MC Square rapidly relieves the loose brain condition before learning, thereby improving concentration. It is also effective to help overcome fatigue, caused by tension, anxiety, stress and lack of sleep.
MC Square enhances performance efficiency by maintaining concentration level, when a task required high-concentration, a task required a long-term concentration or a self-learning is carried out.
MC Square helps relieve stress and fatigue by inducing optimum rest within a short-period of time, when you need deep and sound rest or when you need to overcome fatigue caused by lack of sleep.
MC Square is effective for improving concentration, as well as learning efficiency, by maintaining concentration, when you memorize English words or when you watch or listen to video/audio learning materials.
MC Square helps you spend an energetic day by overcoming sleepiness caused by early rising in the morning and long-distance driving, or by preventing languor and drowsiness after a meal.
If you use MC Square when you cannot sleep well due to insomnia, worry, anxiety or tension, you will have more pleasant and refreshing morning.
(7)Natural Sounds
6 refreshing sounds including the sound of bird, wave and forest are included, so that you can even use the product with MC Square Program as a rest supplementary program.
* MC Square Scholarship
It is a scholarship system to select and support outstanding young scholars of Korea who have a grand dream with MC Square.
* Effects Verified by Domestic and Overseas Research Institutes
- Effectiveness verified by prominent universities and medical institutes in the world for 18 years
- Dr. Michael Spering and Dr. Joseph Tracy team of Thomas Jefferson Medical College, the worlds famous medical school of authority in cranial nerve studies, verified the concentration enhancement effect of MC Square in a clinical test, and published its results in The International Journal of Learning Technology, a prominent medical journal in the world.
* US Patent on Dementia Prevention Effects of MC Square
In July 2007, GEO MC, Co., Ltd., along with Thomas Jefferson Medical College of the US, published the results of a clinical test that MC Square has revolutionary effects in preventing dementia and improving memory related to aging. GEO MC applied for the patent on Technology to Utilize MC Square for Concentration Disorder, Dementia and Aging, and now is in the process of a patent application.
* Concentration Enhancement Effect Case Won Lawsuit
MC Square won the lawsuit of Action of Nullity on Conditional Broadcasting Regarding Concentration Enhancement Effects of MC Square against the Korea Advertisement Self-Regulation Body, which has become an important opportunity that numerous research papers and medical verification, as well as effectiveness of MC Square, are legally recognized.
* MC Square, Highly Praised Worldwide!
30 worldwide news channels in the US, including NBC, ABC and CNBC, aired a special corner about MC Square, highly praising concentration enhancement effects of MC Square.
* MC Square Advanced into the International Market!
MC Square, recognized not only in Korea but also in the world, opened an independent shop, named Relax MC, in the "Time Warner Center Department Store, located in Columbus Circle in Manhattan, New York, the center of the worlds economy. MC Square gains numerous good responses from many people in the world, through operation of Experience Center.